Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Monday, 8 October 2018

Making The Most Of The Apples...

Welcome to my Wobbly Work Wheel...
I need a song to start the Monday Off...
 Now for breakfast in bed...↓↓
The new t-shirt goes on...↓↓
Everybody has kisses 💋💋💋 off me 
The washing gets put on the line.
Washing machine goes back on.
As I water my plants....
Block of the drive happens again..
I sweeps the path.
Then the weed killer comes out.
 Now to finish off the bacon..↑↑↑
The big big sunglasses time..
One of the Cd's I bought last week, was a terrible choice.
Some of the artists had redone their songs...
Oh dear...
The other CD had to go on instead...↓↓
 Enjoys the views of Hanbury Hall Car Park↓↓
 It's going to a warm one ↗↗↗↗
 Had a good sing-a-long on the way home.
 Now for coffee↑↑
Sorted out my kitchen.
Washing machine back on again.
Hoping the sun is going to shine again...
Get all my washing dry...
Starts cutting up the apples, we bought yesterday...🍎🍏🍎🍏
Lots of some Apple Pies to make...