Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Wednesday, 10 October 2018

Another Sweaty Hump!

Welcome to a Hot Hump of the Week🐫
 Enjoyed a much needed cup of tea in bed.
All pumped up and ready...
 I got out of the house early.
The sun was coming up ↗↗↗↗
Big Big Sunglasses...🕶
Goes down to Morrisons early.
Gets some nice reduced items
Followed by a take away coffee
with 25p off as I am using my own cup :)
 The sun is now up in the sky when I get back to unload the shopping.
Quick lunch.
Off to work I go
 Parks in Hanbury Hall Car park to chill before work.
Now to enjoy the views

 It was nice to wear no jumper today.
Good t-shirt to wear..
Wow, it's really warm
 Nice nibbles↑↑↑
Loads up dishwasher up,
Just before The Apprentice starts
 If this hot weather carries on...
I might have to bring out the 👙