It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit! - Harry S Truman
Happy New Year🎈
Welcome to my first day of 2020🎈
We had a nice big lie after doing lots of bingewatching Netflix↑
Coffee and late late breakfast in bed..↓
Off for a little walk to clear out the cobwebs↓
Not taking that short cut↪
Where do the steps lead to???
Take a peek into the newspaper↓
FR David,Tunisian-born singer is 73 years old 🎈
Coffee and nibble time!
Followed by a liquid lunch↓
Now for more pom pom making↓
Caught up on more:
Tried to use some Christmas cheese by having cheese toasties...
More Mindhunter to watch...
I am back on a small wobbly work wheel 🎡 tomorrow....
Best to get to bed early!