Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Sunday, 17 January 2021

Done In Ten!

Everybody lies, but it doesn't matter because nobody listens.
- Nick Diamos 
Welcome to my Sunday 👄
I woke up far too early for a Sunday.
Hey ho, get things while everyone is still asleep!
I had a early brew.
Put washing machine on.
Wrote yesterday's blog post.
Put my Jukebox on Twitter.
I took up a cup of tea for my Sleeping Beauty.
Another cuddle under the covers.
Then it was time to finally get up and get dressed!
Got kids up.
Time to tidy the house up!
Dishwasher went on.
So did washing machine.
Hubby and younger son went off to do the food shopping.
Time for Henry to come out for a little play.
I had a little lunch.
As I had some spare time, I can catch up with 4 weeks of Top of the Pops.
Next episode↓
(Not as good as his last song)
Third episode↓
Elton John was at number 1 with a double A song. I bought the 7" and 12" versions.
I much prefer Healing Hands to Sacrifice
4th episode↓
That took me 10 minutes to watch 4 week's worth. Thank god I have a fast forward button!
Tea at 3 time! 
Hubby came back with the shopping.
Younger son had done next door's shopping as well.
Once hubby and kids had their late lunch.
It was time to pick up my much needed order.
I am going to make a Sloth apron out of the pvc material.
Always nice shiny felt for things!
Now to hang up the animals!
The Peacock has a new friend!
I added a table runner too :)
We had a nice pie for tea.
I caught up with today's newspaper.
Then to carry on watching:
With Sleep Tea of course.
Hubby got his things ready for his return back to work tomorrow.
No Wobby Wobbly work wheel 🎡 for me!
Lots to sort out this week!