Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Monday, 2 January 2023

More Singing To Do!

At every party.,there are two kinds of people - those who want to go home and those who don't. The trouble is, they are usually married to each other - Ann Landers
Welcome to my Bank Holiday Monday 🎈
We had a bit of lie-in.
Then it was Heardle Time...
Heardle 60s.
My answers.
Breakfast and Brew time.
Thermal vest goes on.
Washing machine goes on.
Some scrap metal goes outside to be collected.
Coffee time.
Hubby went down the Household tip.
Liquid lunch time.
Now out to visit my parents.
Added more flowers to the grave I look after.
I had a good conversation with my parents.
Then we went back home.
Now to back home to start on the tea.
Put back all my coats and big stick into Sexy Beast.
Tea is ready.
Then it's time to watch another Christmas present...
Caught up on the news afterwards.
Sleep Tea time.
Hubby is back to work on tomorrow.
I have a extra day off \o/