Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Monday, 28 December 2020

Making Out With Fred!

Behind every successful man stands a woman. And behind her stands his wife. - Fat Weldon
Welcome to my Monday👯
(Still no Wobbly Work Wheel 🎡 to worry about until next week \o/)
Something was happening outside 🌨 
Last time we has snow was 2 years ago when Beast of the East came calling.....
Now for some brew to ease the excitement.
I got a warm hug off hubby and fell back to sleep Zzzzz
After a while, we got up to explore outside.
(The Green recycle bins wasn't emptied on Christmas Eve, I hope they will be emptied this week!)
Not enough to make a snowman ⛄
The wind has been busy....
Blowing my Xmas decs about the garden↑
Back in the house, it's freezing out here!
Coffee time!
Followed by a quick lunch.
I wrote yesterday's blog post.
Now to enjoy for Disney +
then the final 5 episodes of:
We watched the final episode of three about the music from television↓
All about TV themes and music in television programmes.Really good 3 programmes!
Nice easy tea↓
Chas Hodges was an English musician

  and singer who was the lead vocalist of the musical duo Chas & Dave. He would have been 77 years old 🎈.
He died aged 74 in 2018.
Paul Walden  commonly known as Guru Josh, was a Jersey musician, active in the British post-acid house scene, best known for his début single "Infinity", initially released in 1989 on Walden's record label, Infinity Records. The song was re-released in 1990 by BMG Records, and then re-released in 2008 by Darren Bailie, who created the Guru Josh Project. The song was released again in 2012.
He died aged 51 in 2015.
I cut the material out ready to make more facemasks tomorrow↓
Sleep Tea Time...
Off to a warm bed with a even warmer hubby!