Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Tuesday, 27 June 2023

Time To Bake The Big One!

 If you play with anything long enough it will break - Murphy's Law
Welcome to my Baking Tuesday 👍
I have to start on the 18th Birthday Cake for my younger son....
Breakfast and Brew. 
Now out of the door....
I gives hubby a sloppy wet one 💋before I head off to work.
On goes the summer hat and summer coat.
Big big sunglasses.
I goes and turns on my lights and gets the newspaper on the way up.
Swaps my newspaper for my big stick.
Now to turn on my other lights.
Let's to go to work 🍭
The Village Hall was full of Open Reach vans.
They were having a meeting with breakfast supplied.
One school was back after being closed yesterday.
Still had cars not stopping on the otherside.
Finished in one piece.
Back home I go.
Time to get out Kenny the Kenwood.
Going to make the final 18th Birthday cake.
Put the cakes into the oven to bake.
Loaded up dishwasher, and put it on.
Coffee time!
Took out the cakes to cool down.
Liquid lunch time.

I talked to hubby on his lunch break
Out I go to do the afternoon shift.
On goes the summer hat and summer coat.
Big big sunglasses.
I go and turn on my lights,
Nip into the Charity Shop.
Time for a drink...
I went to collect my big stick.
While we all have a rabbit in the square, my younger brother in his van goes past, and has a good look as he drives past!
I say goodbye to my friends.
Time to start the afternoon shift.
Giving out BOINGs out!
Last minute brakers too!
Finished in one piece.
Back home I go.
On the way home, I saw younger brother in the Greggs car park.
Carries on making the cake.
Puts the tea on.
Hubby comes back, and he has a sloppy wet one 💋
Tea is served.
I looked inside today's newspaper.
Finished what I could on the cake.
The previous 18th cakes I have done↓
Sleep Tea time.
All ready for hot hump tomorrow 🐫