Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Thursday 7 December 2017

Wondering Who Done It?

Welcome to my Thursday.
Once everyone left the house,
It was time for a nibble...
 60's music was put on by Alexa.
Nice and warm :)
After some window shopping via the internet.
I had some nice Lentil and bacon soup for lunch
Followed by...
Foot up, and more pom pom making
Catch up with more...
Only more 3 episodes left of Season 2 to watch.
Had a nice Xmas card...
Be rude not to enjoy some Christmas spirit..
As I am having the boxset for Xmas.
I introduced my kids to a great series.
Miss Marple 's "Pocketful of Rye".
They were hard at work making their own pom pom wreaths
Rumour has it, we are expecting snow...
Pity I won't be able to make a ☃


Wednesday 6 December 2017

Could ,Would, Should Have...

Welcome to my Hump of the Week!
I actually had a good night's sleep for once.
The mouth battery was charged fully.
All ready for a friend's visit.
 Raided the biscuit tin↑
We had a good 4 hour yak.
She nearly forgot my Xmas card I made her.
There was one tasty nibble left,
If you gotta have it, you gotta have it!↓
My frames came for making more pom pom wreaths...↓
 I have now finished season 1.
Now for season 2↓
We finished the night watching 
"The Apprentice".
 Sir Alan Sugar was trying to get people to go for the next series.
I tried in 2011.
I got through to the first round.
 Had my interview in a large blue hotel in Birmingham.
One producer of the series didn't have no sense of humour at all, so I didn't get through even though the other producer wanted me to :(
On a much brighter note...
Jona Lewie retweeted my tweet  on Twitter, which made my day :)



Tuesday 5 December 2017

Trying To Fit It All In...

It was back to the being a member of the Wide Awake Club...
3am, 4am  and then 5am.
 It was time for a much needed cup of tea!
Closed my eyes for half an hour,
Then I was woken by hubby with a steaming cup of coffee....
Once the house was empty..\o/
Time for a quick nibble...↓
I fitted in 2 more episodes of ....
Then my friend came round for coffee and chat.
We had...
some homemade
 After 4 hours of non-stop chat...
My mouth battery had to be put on charge...
I sneaked it yet another 2 more...
Hopefully  mouth battery will be charged up overnight, as I have another friend coming up coffee and chat tomorrow....
Now to break open disc 3 of you know what!

Monday 4 December 2017

Filling Up The Little Green Bag...

Back on to the Monday Feeling.
Once the house was emptied.
I went back to bed
(I was a member of the wide awake club again last night!)
Once I caught up with my sleep.
I was all ready to do things...
Remove dead flowers from Living Room.
It was a bit of assault course,
Lots of grabbing onto and holding onto things, and plenty of hopping.
Now for a little bit of dinner..🍽
 Got another Xmas card in the post.↓
 Sitting on my bed for a long time,
Causes my arse to go numb.
So after I hopped and grabbed on things.
I got to my computer chair.
Now to enjoy a little bit of Waitrose Experience,
With a blast of tunes from 10cc.
I was treated to coffee and a mince pie when my kids came home from school...
I am going to make some smaller pom pom wreaths.
Just ideal, as I had some more wool delivered...
Put all together in my little green bag...
Going to break open a good boxset tonight...
With of course my ever dependable foot up!


Sunday 3 December 2017

Cut, Stick & Stamp...

I was a bit early getting up today.
 Had a early nibble with a cup of tea...
 Then the pom pom wreath was fixed to the wall.
More nibbles
I got the table out for more crafting with foot up.
 Loads of Christmas card crap to choose from....↓
 Hubby went on the search for sausage meat, 
He brought me back coffee :)
 After 4 hours and making 17 Christmas cards,
It was time to put the table away!
Next on the list.....
Put the Christmas tree up 😟 


Saturday 2 December 2017

Make It So...

I had a bit of lie-in.
We had a late night catching up with the third season of Star Trek - The Next Generation.
 Had some lovely items come in the post.
 Going to smell nice with these...
 I had a Get Well card from Job 2.↑
Lovely Xmas card from a great friend.↑↑↑
(I am making my cards tomorrow)
While hubby went food shopping,
I carried on with making pom pom making.
 After a short break,↑
I sat in a comfortable chair,
With foot up.
 So many pom poms..
 At last the I made the final pom pom.
The pom pom wreath is finally finished!
 Using my warm fingers again tomorrow! 


Friday 1 December 2017

Time For It To Come Out!

Welcome to 1st December!
It's time for some...↓
 the wearing of the 🎅
 Making sure I'm having enough Vitamin C
Then its back to pom pom making.
Raided my wool stash for more nice wool
 Had to do assault course to get to my dinner from the Dining Room.
Plenty of hopping, twirling, and more hopping.
Just about completed it.
Now for some lunch!
Had a delivery of magazines to give me ideas for my Xmas card making on Sunday.
 Going to use my warm hands on hubby later, give him some much needed Friday Feeling😆



Thursday 30 November 2017

Never Mind Their Presents....

Welcome to my Thursday...
I actually had a good night's sleep for once \o/
So while I was waiting for some deliveries,
I had a nibble..😁
 The doctor has put me on some powerful pain killers for my shoulder.
We had our television back now fixed..\o/
(No more squinting at the small television screen!)
Got the Xmas shopping sorted once and for all..↓↓
Some delivery drivers were finding hard to find my house.
The wheelie bin was the marker they needed!
I had a early Xmas present 🎅 delivered.
I had something delivered so I can use all my pom poms I have been making...
Tomorrow is the 1st December,
(Where has this year gone?)
Let's hope Santa got my Christmas List,
(As it took longer enough to write it out)
Here is a sneak preview of it...↓↓↓