Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Friday 19 January 2018

Letting The Warm Fingers Do The Work....

At last it's here.....
 Had a little play with...
 Now to enjoy a nibble..
Getting back into it...
 Which pom pom size shall I do?↓
More episodes to watch...
 Oh dear pom pom failure↓
 We enjoyed a snuggle in bed
(the kingsize not the single bed)
We watched one more episode of The Sopranos...
 Then our warm fingers did the work.....


Thursday 18 January 2018

Having Space For More Balls

Happy 85th Birthday to  Sir David Bellamy.
My youngest son met him back in 2009.
(He didn't follow me for smiling!)
Once everyone left.
Nibble time...↓
 While I watched series 20
Time to go back to it....
Nearly forgot to how to do it..
After the sixth one,
Mocha time..↓
I had to do chop chop a bit early
As the pastry had to stop in the fridge for an hour.
Chopped all the vegetables ready.
It didn't help my soup exploded in the microwave :(
Got my own Mother's Day present.

(As its hard to buy for me at the best of times)
My kids can wrap it up when I fetch it at the weekend :) 
The tart was so yummy.
 I enjoyed looking through my boxes of wool.
I even have space for more balls.


Wednesday 17 January 2018

Not Using The Warm Hands This Time...

Welcome to my Hump of the Week.
Spent most of the night,
Tossing & Turning in pain :(
(left shoulder pain)
We had to all leave at the same time out of the house.
As I had appointment with the physio.
 More exercises to help with the recovery of the foot...
Still got the boot to wear...
 I now have two walking sticks to get around once I don't need the boot anymore...
 Once I got home,
I had another good friend visit for coffee and chat..⛾
We had a nice salad for lunch.
After 3 and half hours she left,
 Promising to meet up again next week.
I made the most of the time before the kids came back from school...
Wrote more plot lines...
Listened to more Rock 'n' Roll.
(with plenty of singing along)
Before I go to bed tonight...
I have some new exercises to do....
Which doesn't involve my warm hands
my warm hubby's either....:p 


Tuesday 16 January 2018

Sharing More Than The Water!

Welcome to Tuesday FunDay.
Enjoyed sharing the king size bed with hubby at last...\o/
Still having trouble with my left shoulder :(
Got back down the stairs in one piece.
Once the house was emptied...
couple of episodes 
Law & Order
Then I got picked up.
Coffee & Chat time.
Gave her the present for Friday..
 I had some lovely slimming world soup for lunch :)
I was dropped back.
My kids had some lucky bags..:)
I needed some good mood music...
What better?
Some Rock'n'Roll music.....🎸
A little bit of singing too...🎵♫♬♪🎶
Chop Chop time
 Out comes the posh plate...
Going to try and have a shower for the first time in 2018.
I might be joined by a warm hubby....
With his warm hands


Monday 15 January 2018

Mounting The Apples & Pears

Back on the wobbly talking wheel.
Got up early for wee visit↓↓
We had some fun trying to find the tie for school....
Lots of foot stamping,shouting and crying.
After a warm hug, he calmed down.
The house was then quiet.
Now for a nibble..
I had a friend visit for chat and coffee.
He gave me a lovely present of...
(I still have a video recorder)
Wrapped up a birthday present for Friday
 Now to give the mouth battery to charge up.
Carrying on to the last DVD of....↓↓
I am visiting another friend tomorrow,
For more chat and coffee...
I finally got upstairs after nearly 3 months being downstairs....
Back to sharing the Kingsize..... 

Sunday 14 January 2018

The First One Of 2018

It was back to separate beds again.
Me in the single bed.
Hubby in the king size bed.
Once I can mount the stairs...
He will be mounted...
The king size bed that is....↓
 Went out for a smaller ride...↓
 Now to enjoy my first Dunelm Experience of 2018!
 Pom Pom wreaths £15...
 1st Dunelm coffee of 2018↓
 Making the most of getting out of the house and the sale....
 Hubby wheeling the shopping trolley back to the car ...↓↓↓
 More nice ideas for our bedroom..↓↓
 Bumps into a good friend and chats for 20 minutes.
Made her son blush...
Gets home to unpack all my goodies!
 Puts my fresh herbs away in the new herbs saver...
Added the apron...
 Making a spicy lamb curry to keep the cold at bay.
As everyone knows me,
It won't be a mild curry....;)