Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Wednesday 24 January 2018

Making Sure It's On Charge!

Welcome to my Hump of the Week!
Enjoyed the new duvet set on our bed..
Up early and dropped off to see the Physio.
Waited in the coffee shop ⛾
Bumped into a friend from my former work place and said hello!
 He is recovering from a Heart Attack.
I did tell him to have lots of sex to help with the recovery process...
His boyfriend started to blush :)
Got dropped back home in the rain..
Enjoyed a nice coffee..↓
 Making something nice for tonight...
Grinded up some seeds...
Said hello to more of the first season on to watch while I did chop chop..
 Now to mix some eggs...↓
My house is going to smell nice with this↓
I said goodbye to the kinky black boot tonight...↓
Made the lemon shortbread...
I have been told, if foot hurts..
I have been doing too much.
Put foot up and relax....
Tomorrow I will be doing exactly that.
I have a friend coming round for
Best put mouth battery on charge......


Tuesday 23 January 2018

Up & Down x 20

I was trying to rest the foot as much as possible...
Even watching my daily dose of 
Out came another cooking book...
 I replace the Lamb with Turkey.
Added some Kale and Chillies.
Now to chop chop
Dug out another boxset to watch.
Not bad for £6 from a charity shop!
The same charity shop and for the same amount I got the Sopranos boxset↓↓
 Dished up the nice grub I made earlier..↓
 Seeing the Physio tomorrow.
I have been doing my exercises with my foot.
 Yoga for my foot I call it...
Let's bend the foot ....


Monday 22 January 2018

Walk Don't Run!

Back on the wobbly Monday wheel.
Up early to enjoy a cup of tea in bed.
I kissed 💋💋 everyone before they left.
I set to work to whip up the answer to Monday...
 From a good book.
 Rolled out the pie lid....
  Nice coffee with hubby...
 Enjoyed some fresh air
 a quick ride...
Nice to chat to some of the staff,
That misses me doing my Job 1.
(They see me while they go to work in the mornings)
Off to hospital for a ultrasound on my left shoulder.
Tendons fine....\o/
Back to the doctors to get on the  list on the MRI. 
(As the pain is really bad :() 
Pie was nice...
 My bad foot started hurting....
Doing too much again :(
Foot went up...
 Won't be doing too much tomorrow.
No Gardening or rearranging the Living room.
The Foot will be up up up... 


Sunday 21 January 2018

Making The Most Of My Own Hunk Of Love!

We had a little lie-in...
It was snowing....again↓
 Hubby went food shopping.
I drunk coffee and watched the snow come down...⛄
 Tidied up our Dining Room.
New tablecloth added...↓
 Hubby had nipped into Dunelm...
Upgraded the net curtain...↓
 Light lunch..
 The old suite is being collected tomorrow..
Hubby and kids moved them onto the drive..
 Chill with a good film
 Jerky Chicken for tea.
 Finally finished my Pom Pom wreath..
 Now going to watch some..


Saturday 20 January 2018

I So Fancy A Q.....

We were in bed by 10pm last night.
Early night, up early for tea...
 I wasn't going to attempt to go down the stairs without my kinky black boot.
I whispered in my hubby's ear.
"I so fancy a bit......"
He opened one eye
"a cup of tea...please!"
That's better...
I rewarded him well for it ;)
Had another nibble later...
While hubby was doing my dad's shopping.
He texted me saying "It's snowing!"
  After half an hour it stopped.
Once he was back,
It was time to tidy up our boudoir...
At last we can see the floor, 
Out of the window! 
I will find out on Monday if I need an operation on my left shoulder...
So we are not getting rid of the single bed in our living room just yet....
My situation first my left leg, then my left arm reminds me off...

"One finger, one thumb, one arm, one leg, keep moving
One finger, one thumb, one arm, one leg, keep moving
One finger, one thumb, one arm, one leg, keep moving
We'll all be merry and bright"
Hopefully once I have healed everywhere,
I can get back to work!!! 
We have 3 episodes left of ..
Then we have some great films to watch afterwards....
We won't be able to look away due to the English subtitles.....
Now I fancy a Q...