Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Tuesday 27 February 2018

More More More....

Welcome to this damn cold freezing Tuesday.
It snowed overnight...
 Not enough for a ⛄
While I had a coffee & nibbles
It did some more more more❆❆❆ 
 Not enough for ⛄
Some Birthday cards for someone special for tomorrow 🎈🎈🎈 
 As it's not a Leap year this year.
I celebrate it on the 28th....🎂
More snow ⛇⛇
 Wrote more of the new book.
Introduced some new randy characters..
Had a nice healthy tea tonight...
I am making sure I am using this tomorrow↓↓
I will be wearing those thermal knickers
loads of layers...
 Be feeling like ↓

Monday 26 February 2018

The Things We Do For Love!

Welcome to this Freezing Monday.
I made sure hats & gloves were worn before the males of the family left the house.
I had a sneaky coffee and nibble
to start the morning off...
 Got all the items ready to do some baking...
I really hope that nice coffee is in one of these boxes that was delivered...↓↓
 Time to put Kenny to some work...
 Once ready, in the oven it went!
 It's ready \o/
 Seville Orange Drizzle Cake
More coffee needed....
 I enjoyed a Monday Meat free meal..
Better dig out those thermal knickers for Wednesday, as got to see the Consultant about my achillis tendon recovery...
Now to try and get this Wowcher voucher to work.... 


Sunday 25 February 2018

Say It With....

It was nice to be in bed..
Drinking tea, listening to some Birthday wishes on the radio for Wednesday  
Followed by nibbles...↓↓
Went outside for a short ride....↓
 I visited my mum, and said it with some red roses..🌹🌹🌹
 I got dropped home, while hubby and kids did the food shopping.
I had to have a lemsip,
(As I felt rough)
we had run out of coffee!!!
Hubby had to buy some other kind of coffee.
As Morrisons didn't sell the Costa Rican!
So I ordered a jar from Amazon Pantry instead...
 Time for the kinky black boot to experience some more fresh air....
The Fence got tied back...↓
 We had the moon out...
the sun...😎
Nice blue skies...↑↑ 
 Hubby was wrapped up
As it was just 2c
And the wind chill made it feel freezing...
The tree had a hair cut ready for Spring...
Kids had to get things ready as
Back to school they go tomorrow! 
(After a week's holiday!) 

Saturday 24 February 2018

Just A Little Bit Of Flop

I got up early today on purpose!
Between 6am - 8am we were listening to
"Sounds of the 60s" with a cup of tea. 
Followed by nibbles↓
 Hubby took our kids out for some fresh air..
Followed by a little trip to....↓
 I meanwhile had to exercise my foot..
 Now to recover from all those exercises with:
Listening to "Pick of the Pops"
The great years were, 1970 & 1987.
 Fresh air for me now...
 That's better...:)
Now to flop and watch more of...

Friday 23 February 2018

Enjoying Some Warm Love...

I felt a bit rough today.
( Drinking of any alcohol wasn't the cause!) 
Perhaps some Friday Feeling might help! 
Coffee & Nibbles...↓↓
Back to writing of the new book...
 My younger brother borrowed one of my sons to help him do my dad's shopping.
(My son knows when everything is,
And my dad has the same things every week)
 At least Henry is happy.
New bags has arrived! 
Now for chop chop...
After an hour...
It is served up...↓↓
 Spicy Pork, with Masala potatoes.
Served with Spinach Falafels and salad.
Had a lemsip....
I enjoyed the rest of Friday Evening....
Snugged up with my warm hubby in bed....;)