Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Friday 9 March 2018

I'm Back On It!

Welcome to Friday...
In need of some...
 After yesterday's Drama......
I now have been unfired \o/
I had a bit of a nibble...
To celebrate having Job 3 back.
Alexa starts playing some nice 1970s music...
My dad and my next door neighbour are both in the same ward in the same hospital.
(Fingers crossed my dad is coming out today)
I made my next door neighbour a Get Well Soon Card.
  My dad was discharged out of hospital \o/
Did some chop chop for tonight's tea.
Visiting my mum tomorrow with a early Mother's Day present...💗💗
Now to put my warm hands to some use...


Thursday 8 March 2018

Receiving The Bullet

Welcome to Thursday,
Had a coffee to start the day.
 I had a friend come round for coffee and chat.
Had a good 3 hours of yak yak.
As soon as she left,
I checked my emails.....
I had "Your Fired" from Job 3 by email.
Looks like my kids won't be getting ANY    maintenance for a long time to come....
I hear the sound of small violins being played.🎻 
Time for a rough play with Kenny.
Baked and decorated.
4 cakes going into school tomorrow.
 The rest is going with hubby tomorrow.
As we are still not eating cake or chocolate for Lent....
Roll on for some nice Friday Feeling tomorrow.....

Wednesday 7 March 2018

Designing,Making, & Playing...

Welcome to my Hump of the Week,
My son wanted to me to make a card for his favourite TA who is leaving on Friday.
(She helps in Breakfast Club)
So after everyone had a quick 💋
I got down to it...
 So much craft crap...
The Dining Room looked like a 💣 had hit it!
While making the card, 
Alexa was busy delivering the tunes...
  1. Happy Tunes 
  2. Best of Oasis
  3. Best of Fleetwood Mac
The finished card..
 I whipped up a "Goodbye" wreath too.
Liquid Lunch soon followed..
Had a quick play with Henry..
 Then its back to chop chop for the Evening Meal...
The ingredients were:
Pork Steaks,
Lemon Juice,
400g Charlotte potatoes halved,
Feta cheese. 
 It looks like I will be having a play with Kenny tomorrow....
As my son's favourite TA will have some cupcakes made by another Leaving Present.
 Now the itchy baking hand can stop itching! 

Tuesday 6 March 2018

Pressing For A Snooze...

We nearly over-slept....
Pressed snooze and fell back off to sleep...
Hubby and kids got ready (quickly)
Quick 💋 and off they went.
I meanwhile enjoyed my coffee..
I wrote out the recipes for the rest of the week.
And did a lovely short shopping list..
Now for some chop chop for tonight's tea.
After lunch,
I found more magazines I haven't read.
 While reading them,
I caught up with some House MD.
Hubby went back to Lidl to get the rest of the shopping for the week. 
Dished up the grub...
 Then it's Bake Off time...
Getting a itchy baking hand...
A quick play with Kenny tomorrow? 

Monday 5 March 2018

Trying It, Leaving It, Then Singing It.

The wobbly Monday wheel is back...
I was up early enjoying a sneaky cuppa..
Hubby is back to work,
The kids are back to school..\o/
The snow is slowly leaving us...
 I gave everyone a big 💋
Before they all left.
Done a mass tidy up.
All the windows open to let some fresh air in.
That better!
Nibbles time..↓
 I started on a Poetry course at last...
After two hours of brain burn...
Lunch is needed!
 My gifts for my mum for Mother's Day arrived.
I am now completed the third of the eleven parts of the Poetry Course...
I'm leaving it now until tomorrow.
I need to rest the brain....
Just going to chill to some nice 70's music, 
Perhaps some light singing along too....



Sunday 4 March 2018

Waxing The Hook...

I got up far too early for a Sunday..
 Nibble time...
 I was making a good friend's Get Well Card,
As I am dropping in to see her later in hospital.
Coffee and crochet hook primed and ready.
 Card done \o/
The temperature outside is going ↑↑↑
Now to have a little ride to hospital...
 The snow going at last..
 Magazines and card ready to be dropped off..
 Breathing in some fresh air...
After having a good yak,
With my friend and a Nurse I made friends with while I was in the same Ward.
Hubby went to do the food shopping in Lidl.
Beg steal or borrow a loaf of bread!!
Looks like my breadmaker has to be dusted down and the plug re-attached...
 Going going going?
 It starts to rain...
 Then we have a double rainbow 🌈
 We had a nice shepherd's pie with sliced potatoes.
(As my kids don't like mashed potato!)
Then kids had to get all the school things ready for tomorrow..
(lots of groans soon followed)
I will be starting my Poetry course while the house is quiet.
(Not much chance of there being quiet, while I do my little sing-a-longs...)