Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Wednesday 8 February 2017

Just Like Magic!

Welcome to my Hump of the Week..
I visited Webbs to enjoy coffee and chat.
Couldn't park in my normal place
(The grass bit was blocked off)
Larry is nicknamed Larry the Pirate.
(As his left light guard has vanished into thin air!)
I found some mud for Larry to play in,
When I visited my dad.
He is a proud owner of another pink sticker.
 Simply reads...
"Go Hard or Go Home!"
Now to disappear like magic.....
Back to try out that new mattress again!

Tuesday 7 February 2017

Being Shown The Right Finger!

After visiting Asda for some supplies.
I made full use of the Mocha glasses I had for Xmas.....
I made a homemade Steak & Kidney pie for our Evening meal.
So the bird had to come out to tweet....
While doing my afternoon shift of Job 1
I stopped a boy from running in the road.
I crossed him over the road safety.
His mum went past and gave me the thumbs up!
(His mum happens to be the same mother who 2 years ago:
"Called me a racist"
(after I told her not to park on the zig zags)
"I was crap at my job!!!!")
It was a nice change to be shown the thumb,
As, I normally get the V sign or the finger!

Monday 6 February 2017

Finding The Needle In A Haystack #2

Back on the wobbly work wheel.
I forgot to cover up Larry last night...
I had to give Larry a scrape...
I did my good deed today.
Dropped a limping mum home on my way home after Job 1.
Trying to find a inexpensive  large gerbil cage is like trying to find a needle in a haystack!
 I had a visit from 2 PCSOs for my afternoon shift at Job 1.
No speeding, no zig zag parking, stopping for me was another matter.......


Sunday 5 February 2017

Saying Hello, Wave Goodbye

Had a bit of hit and miss Sunday.
The new mattress was broken in well.
(Hubby  looking well tired)
We now have new 2 gerbils we rehomed from Pets at Home Adoption Centre
 They are in a separate cage from the others.
As we know what happens when boys and girls mix....
I heard my nan (my late mum's mum) has passed away.
She was forever being nasty to my mum 
& even nasty to me.
She couldn't be bothered to come to own daugher's funeral.
I only go to funerals of people I actually like and miss.
So my black hat is stopping here for once..


Saturday 4 February 2017

Rabbit Time!

After enjoying a rare night out last night.
I had some work to catch up with...
Then we had a special delivery of
(New Kingsize mattress)
We buried our 9 month old long haired hamster, Smokey Blue in my dad's back garden.
He died last night :'(
We bought a new duvet cover for our bed..
 The only rabbits I know of in our bedroom.
Are those that contain batteries and buzzzzz 

Friday 3 February 2017

I Wanna Be Like You!..

Welcome to the last day of being on the Wobbly Work Wheel.
My youngest son has been practising hard and learning lines for a play at school
Since last September.
Tonight was the night to see him on stage.
As this was the final night of the performance.
 My hubby, his brother and me was so proud of him.
While he was in his gorilla costume, 
 I noticed a familiar resemblance to someone...we know

Thursday 2 February 2017

Getting Some Sexy Supplies...

Made the most of hubby having a day off.
It didn't help having torrid rain for part one of Job 1.
We dried out by having a late breakfast.
 Then to stock up on some supplies,
At our Ann Summer's branch.
 Larry looked after the bag...